Wednesday, September 15, 2010


Apple iPad: the Conqueror of PC World?
By: Bryce Culp

It’s incredible, astonishing, advanced, and it can do almost anything you want it to. It’s Apple's latest venture into the world of amzing technogadgetry: iPad.

The iPad is essentially a much larger version of the iPod touch. It weighs in at only 1.5 pounds and is only a half inch thick; it's only 9.5 inches tall and 7.5 inches wide--but it packs a powerful cybercrunch of features..   The iPad can do everything and more that an iPod touch can do. The iPad holds all of the existing apps, functioning as a music and movie player. And tremble ye Kindle and Nook readers, it can even download books. It’s possible to purchase all 15,000 apps.  Users can go onto the Internet; it has a full onscreen touchpad keyboard allowing people to have access to any social network, keep up to date on the news, watch movies and TV shows, and listen to and purchase MP3s. People can play games (apps) with the full experience, with clearer screen animations and images. Just like a laptop, you can buy a keyboard separately to go along with it instead of using the touch screen keyboard. The lowest cost of the iPad is 499$, you can get WIFI (wireless internet) built in with it for a much higher cost also. All of the apps that you can have on an iPhone you can have on the iPad, and there has been new apps made specifically for the iPad. It brings a whole new experience to playing games. For example, a racing game, to control the car you tilt the iPad the way you want the car to go. Some of the things the iPad can’t do, is it does not have a camera. It has been rumored to have one, but it doesn’t mean you can’t view your pictures. You can sync them from your computer to your iPad and then view the pictures and videos in HIDEF. It can’t play videos on a website because it does not have flash drive. Those are some of the basic things that the iPad can do.
            The big question is, will the iPad take the place of the laptop? The answer is your decision. The iPad can’t do all the things that a laptop does. People can’t get on Microsoft word, create power point presentations, but for the people that don’t use those things and only use the internet; yes the iPad could take a laptops place. It couldn’t take a business man laptops place because usually they need to be able to create presentations. If a person owns a laptop just for fun and to get on the internet and to play games, then the iPad could take its’ place. You can access the internet with the iPad and do everything with the internet that you can do with a laptop. A person can also access many more games then a laptop can. With all the apps available on the iPad, a person could play much more games then on the average laptop. Research has shown that the iPad has cut into laptop sales. So has the iPad taken the laptops place? Will the iPad take the laptops place? Ultimately, that’s your decision.

Fall in Style
By: Sarah Khalil

It’s time to put your summer clothes away because this season it’s all about the new Fall Fashion 2010. A lot of people take their fashion cues from what celebrities are wearing –hopefully, they won’t forget that we may have a more limited budget. Celebrity Nicole Richie sports a new style, a leather jacket with a satin dress and heels. A wispy floral dress now segues beautifully into autumn. Wear a thin layer under it and a cozy knit over it like Joy Bryant.

Fashion Tips for fall 2010; avoid anything bulky—the fit should be sleek, not sloppy. Buy a hat this fall--either small like L’Wren Scott or large like Alexander McQueen. Layer on some jewelry, like a stack of bracelets and / or some funky earrings to add bit of interest.

The shades that will match you best depend on your skin tone and the color of your hair and eyes.

The newest fashion color for fall is deep purple -- it’s a rich jewel tone. Deep purple thins everyone from dark skin tones to fairer skin. This color is the new fall fashion trends because it catches the eye. Other colors are kelly green, citron, and fushcia. These tones look good on any kind of skin tone because they're vibrant, eye-catching, and are bold, either combined or alone. Anything camel color, beige and toffee are the finest new colors in the Fall. Top Colors for Fashion Fall 2010; Bright cobalt blue especially when  paired with black. Glittering gold like Jennifer Lopez and the best thing about this color is no jewelry is required. Emerald green like Kristin Davis shows the personality of a lady-like chic; this color looks good in different textures of emerald green. Or try bright red like Penelope Cruz if you want to get noticed, this color is a serious bright stylish look.

Another trendy fashion item is the Scottish sweater made popular by Rihanna sports.  Drape it over pants, or customize it with a cute belt. Animal prints the classic that everyone loves. Animal prints can be worn in many nice ways like Lily Allen with her leopard cotton cardigan.

Of course, we should also be aware of what not to wear.

These are fashions that have seen better days. This year these ignominious awards go to the cape coat and a fur bag.

And what not to match ? Ladies, stay away from pair sequins along with cat prints even though sequins are a must in every wardrobe. 

Has Gaga Gone Too Far?
By: Ashley Lancaster

We all know Ms. Lady Gaga is attracted to doing things in some weird ways while her songs zoom up the charts—along with her outlandish behavior. There are a lot of people who enjoy watching her because she is so unique in her fashion styles, her videos, her lyrics,  and her singing.  This girl is so interesting because fans never know what she’s going to pull out of her hat next. Maybe perhaps a dress made out of cats, dogs, or rats? Who really knows? – except for  her designers, who let her wear these funky dresses out in public.
During Sunday the 12th, of 2010, was time for the Video Music Awards. On the night of the VMAs, Lady Gaga had collected already collected eight awards and decided to make a final “rare” appearance in her craziest outfit—a meat outfit. Everyone had their opinion on this courageous idea. As you can see, look how many hits she got on the Internet following her appearance.  This was her intent-- Ms. Gaga had everyone drooling over this dress. The touch of the meat heels is a good accessory too but very weird looking, but that’s  Lady Gaga for you.  When asked her opinion of Lady Gaga's meat dress, host Mary J. Blige replied with a laugh , "I thought: courageous; she’s a courageous chick.”   The designer of this dress, France Fernandez, said it was real meat from his family butcher.  (Editor’s note: the fate of the dress is unknown. Lady Gaga herself said that her people “handled it”….we can only suspect with some amount of tenderizer.
How did people react to this outrageous gimmick? Were they offended or amused? There was a poll about this dress. People seem to have strong opinions about it.   The Huffington Post surveyed their readership and over the thousands of responses, 57.3% thought it was offensive, and the other 42.7% thought it was in just good fun.
I can see both sides.  Hollywood Crush did an interview on Lady Gaga and was asking her if the meat dress deserved to be on BOTH  the best and worst dress list for the past week of fashion.  52% of the voters most definitely said the meat dress would be on the worst dress list.

Lady Gaga, Extra Rare

All this drama over Lady Gaga’s interesting taste in dresses! I know what we’re all thinking:  what the heck is she going to pull off next year?  Lady Gaga might just become normal for once….oh wait, that’s impossible.  She may one day create a fashion trend, we’ll never know.  Only her butcher knows for sure.